Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Fetch different data source value in a Display method in D365 FO

Hi All,
Some time we have to fetch more than 1 data source value of a form in a display method in D365 FO, but the problem is we can pass only 1 data source buffer in the display method, so to overcome this have a look to the below code, in the example I am fetching the InventDim table buffer from the inventDim dataSource of the form.

final public class InventDimCombinationTbl_Extension
    public static display InventQtyAvailPhysical displayAvailSupplyQty(InventDimCombination _this)
        InventDim            inventDimFind;
        InventSum            inventSumLocal;
        InventDimParm   inventDimParmLocal;
        FormDataSource  inventDimCombination_ds = _this.datasource();
        FormDataSource  inventDim_ds   = inventDimCombination_ds.formRun().dataSource("InventDim");
        InventDim    inventDim  = inventDim_ds.cursor();
        EcoResProductDimGroupSetup::copyProductDimensionsForItem(_this.ItemId, _this.inventDim(), inventDimFind);

        inventDimParmLocal.ItemIdFlag             = NoYes::Yes;
        inventDimParmLocal.InventStatusFlag  = NoYes::Yes;


        inventSumLocal = InventSum::findSumQty(_this.ItemId, inventDimFind, inventDimParmLocal);

        return inventSumLocal.AvailPhysical;


In this way we can find any datasource value which is linked to a form in a display method

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